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Printing and e-mailing Transaction after posting in Sage 50/200

Printing a Sage 50 (V20 2014 onwards) and 200 Quote, Order or Invoice (Sage 50 only) requires the Pro version of PostTrans.  Out of the box the option to show print options is turned on, thus after posting a transaction PostTrans will show the following print/e-mail option:

  •          Print preview
  •          Print to printer.  Default printer can be set in Setup >> printing tab
  •          E-mail to any email address specified in tag THPrintEmail, and CC to specified e-mail set in setup
  •          If option “offer account emails address as well” is on then offers all account related e-mails addresses


 Example: Press Help, on the PostTrans toolbar, then select example “Printing/e-mail Quote/Order after posting” which is the example discussed below. You should also have read the "Importing Transactional Data" on the Training page for a basic understanding of PostTrans basics.

Email transaction

PostTrans will send transaction using the MAPI interface, to utilise MS Outlook email engine.

The Subject and Body can be set in Setup >> printing tab, see below, but can also be overridden using tag THPrintSubject and THPrintBody to allow you to customise based on data entered in the Sage 50/200 order PostTrans template.

Additional Attachments can be specified in tag THPrintAttachment, again multiples can be specified in a comma separated list.

Formula for creating list

PostTrans will accept a list of e-mails, or attachments using a comma separated list.  Blanks will be ignored.   Thus you can add tag THprintEmail to header then use a formula to link to delivery and account email address using:

=F2 & “,” & F3

Where F2 = delivery emails and F3= account email address

Printing Options

Printing is to the Default printer unless set in “Setup >> printing” tab


Document Layouts

The document layout can be specified in Setup >> printing tab, for each type of transaction and tag THPrintLayout.

Scope of Options

The “Setup >> printing” tab options are stores in the workbook.  Thus having set the printer name it must be available on all computers who will use sheet, else PostTrans will fall back to default printer for that user.  Of course you could create several templates if need be to specify different printers.

Reprinting a transaction

Double click in “POSTED” in column A will reopen the print window after a transaction has been posted.   Thus the document can be reprinted, or e-mailed, from the PostTrans template without having to go to Sage 50 or 200.

Printing multiples transaction

If your import template lists multiple transactions in rows 30 onwards, you can force a print to printer or e-mail by using tags THPrintEmail or THPrintNoCopies.   To print set THPrintNoCopies to 1.  To e-mail simply put email address in THPrintEmail.

Printing Options

 Options and defaults  
Print Preview after Posting Transaction Show Print window, allowing preview and Printer/e-mail selection, after posting transaction.  The tag THprint* tags allow you to set layout file for transaction, or multiple e-mail destinations for the transaction to be sent too.
   offer account emails address If ON then offer all e-mail address associated with account on print window.
when email, using THprintEmail tag, confirm address

If 'Print Preview after Posting Transaction' is ON then

   ON will Select and show the e-mail addresses listed in THprintEmail, OFF will show emails address but 'Email' tick option will be off


   Send e-mail to all listed in THprintEmail 

Print to printer

If 'Print Preview after Posting Transaction' is ON then

   ON will show confirmation with 'Print' ticked, OFF will be un-ticked


   Print to default printer or printer specified in Setup >> Printing

Email-Always CC Always CC e-mail address.  This can be overridden by tag THprintEmailCC
Email-Subject e-mail subject.  This can be overridden by tag THprintSubject
Email-Body e-mail body.  This can be overridden by tag THprintBody
Layout for Sales Quote,Invoice, Order or Purchase Order

Press button to select default Sage 50 layout

Specify Sage 200 report file

Default Printer (Sage 50 only)

Assign a specific printer.  The name of which must be identical on all PC's

Can be overridden on print window.

Tags of interest

The following PostTrans tags allow the above functionality:

Tag Name

Data Type




Email address to send to. Multiples and be expressed using “,”.



Subject of email, which overrides that set in System >> Printing.



Body of email, which overrides that set in System >> Printing.



Add an attachment. Full Path. Multiples and be expressed using “,”.



Sage 50 layout file for printing. Enter SPACE to search display list of form layouts

Sage 200 express the layout file as “SOP\\Picking”



Print x copies to printer. 0 for no print

With data type Yes/No fields, if cell starts with 'y' or 'Y' is taken as TRUE

Where ^ denotes a Code Search field (Popup search window), delete ^ at end of tag, to turn off code search

Enabling Outlook to send e-mail


The Outlook E-mail Security Update and changes the way that Outlook can be controlled programmatically, restricted programmatic to Outlook means Outlook will prompt you for permission when PostTrans tries to perform its work, but only when you do not have up-to-date antivirus software installed on the machine.       

It will show:


To disable this message and allow PostTrans to send the e-mail, without this message, simply open Outlook Trust center:

1) In Excel click “File >> Options >> Trust Centre”

2) Click Trust Center Settings, this will open a new window

3) Now select “Programmatic Access” on the list on the left:


4) Now lower the security settings.

Categories: Sage Line 50, Sage Line 200, Transaction Data, Fast Orders Entry | Tags: | Return

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