
Sage 50 Examples

Save time updating

Sage 50

Stock/Product Creation
Customer/Supplier Prices
Bill of Material
Project Creation
Location Bins

Sage 200

Simply extract, edit and import


Import from Excel

50 Trans

Nominal Journals
Remote Orders
Product/Stock Adjustments
Sales Receipts
Quick OrderPad

200 Trans

Transaction from Manual Input

Image Alt TextImage Alt Text

Multiple Transactions from CSV file


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Simply extract, edit and import

Power of Excel

Sage 50

Quick Template Creation
Customise with:

Sage 200

To reach your goals quickly

Sage 200

Sage 200 Bins

Sage 200 Warehouse & Bins

Create Sage 200 Bins
Stock Take Bins
Move Bin Stock

Fast, cost effective, easy…

Image Alt TextImage Alt Text


200 Manufact.

Create BOM Stock Easily
Create Bill of Materials
Labour, Machine, Tools

Image Alt Text

Complex tasks quicker...

50 BOM

Project Accounting

200 Projects

Create Project Structure
Update Budgets
Simple Project Entry

Make life easier...

Image Alt Text50 Projects

Sage Line 50 PostTrans Examples

The following is a list of Example Templates which are included with PostTrans for Sage Line 50.  Some of these examples are related to blog articles which explain certain features, template design ideas, or provided a template to be used as a starting point for you own customised design.

Examples for Sage 200

To access these examples, download form the links below, or simply press Help on the PostTrans toolbar and select the example from lower part of help window:

Example List

To use the template, with Sage 50, install PostTrans. Download
Trial with Sage demo company. Purchase a month subscription for Live Sage Company. Price
Watch the On-line Training course on how to use and customise the templates.


*** Test Sage Connection Template ***

Sheet:'Test Sheet'
DO NOT DELETE - Used for testing, or when setup is pressed without PostTrans Sheet
   Help article for *** Test Sage Connection Template ***

Static Data - Customer:


Customer Records

Sheet:'Customer Rec'
Allow Extract/Amend/Import of Customer records
   More info Sage 50 Customer records Import
   Help article for Customer records Import


Customer Price Lists

Sheet:'Customer Price List'
Extract, Add and Amend the Price List at top level
   More info Sage 50 Price List Update
   Help article for Price List Update


Customer Price List/Qty Assignment

Sheet:'Customer Price List Assignment'
Allow assignement of Customer Qty breaks and Price list
   More info Sage 50 Customer records Import
   Help article for Customer records Import

Static Data - Supplier:


Supplier Records

Sheet:'Supplier Rec'
Allow Extract/Amend/Import of Supplier records
   More info Sage 50 Supplier records Import
   Help article for Supplier records Import


Supplier Price Lists

Sheet:'Supplier Price List'
Extract, Add and Amend the Price List at top level
   More info Sage 50 Supplier Price List Update
   Help article for Supplier Price List Update


Supplier Prices

Sheet:'Supplier Prices'
Extract, Add and Amend Supplier Special Prices
   More info Sage 50 Supplier Price List Update
   Help article for Supplier Price List Update

Static Data - Product:


Stock Take Product Records

Sheet:'Stock Take'
Allow Extract Current IN Stock figure, then adjust at later date to give Stock Take functionality
   More info Sage 50 Stock Take Product records Import


Product Records (all Fields)

Sheet:'Product Rec ALL'
Allow Extract/Amend/Import of Product records
   More info Sage 50 Product records Import


Product Records

Sheet:'Product Rec'
Allow Extract/Amend/Import of Product records
   More info Sage 50 Product records Import
   Help article for Product records Import


Product Qty Breaks

Sheet:'Product Qty Breaks'
Allow Extract/Amend/Import of Product Qty Breaks Records
   More info Sage 50 Product records Import Discounts
   Help article for Product records Import Discounts


Product Customer Price Structure

Sheet:'Customer Prices Structure'
Extract, Add and Amend Customer Prices
   More info Sage 50 Customer Prices Update
   Help article for Customer Prices Update


Product Customer Special Prices

Sheet:'Special Prices'
Extract, Add and Amend Customer Special Prices
   More info Sage 50 Customer Prices Update


Product Budgets

Sheet:'Product Budget'
Allow Extract/Amend/Import of Product Budgets
   More info Sage 50 Product records Import Budgets
   Help article for Product records Import Budgets


Bill of Materials (Pro Version)

Extract, Add and Amend Bill of Material
   More info Sage 50 Bill of Material Update
   Help article for Bill of Material Update


Product Category

Sheet:'Product Cat'
Allow Extract/Amend/Import of Product Category records
   More info Sage 50 Product Category records Import
   Help article for Product Category records Import

Transaction Data - Nominal Journals:


Nominal Journal - 2 Col

Sheet:'Nominal 2 Col'
Nominal Journal with Credits and Debits
   More info Sage 50 Nominal Journal
   Help article for Nominal Journal


Nominal Journal - 1 Col

Sheet:'Nominal 1 Col'
Nominal Journal with Single Credit/Debit Column
   Help article for Nominal Journal - 1 Col


Nominal - Contra

Total to contra nominal account
   Blog Sage 50 VAT Nominal Journal


Nominal - VAT

Sheet:'NOM with VAT'
Calculates VAT on a nominal and posts to VAT control account, plus total to contra account
   Blog Sage 50 VAT Nominal Journal

Transaction - Sales:


Sales Order PAD Pro

Sheet:'Order PAD'
Order Pad demonstation
   Blog Sage 50 Posting to multiple Companies


Sales Order

Sales Order demonstation
   Blog Sage 50 Posting to multiple Companies
   Help article for Posting to multiple Companies


Auto saving template after posting Pro

Save transaction to directory with account code
   Blog Sage 50 Saving template after posting


Sales Order with Payment

Posting a payment with an order
   Blog Sage 50 Payment with Order/Invoice


Printing/e-mail Quote/Order after posting Pro

How to e-mail to specified user
   Blog Sage 50 Printing Quote/Order


Sales Service Invoice

Sheet:'Service SSI'
Sales Service Invoice demonstation
   Help article for Sales Service Invoice


Sales Service Credit Note

Sheet:'Service SSC'
Sales Service Credit Note demonstation
   Help article for Sales Service Credit Note


Sales Receipts - Import Allocation by Referance (Extras Module)

Sheet:'Import Receipts'
Import Sales Receipt and allocated to existing invoices
   More info Sage 50 Sales Receipts - Import Allocation by Referance (Extras Module)


Sales Receipts - Manual Allocation (Extras Module)

Sheet:'Manual Receipts'
Extracts Ourstanding Invoices, enter payment figures and referance, [Import] to create Sr and allocate
   More info Sage 50 Sales Receipts - Manual Allocation (Extras Module)

Transaction - Purchase:


Expenses + Mileage

Sheet:'Expense demo'
Posting a Expenses + Mileage in as a Purchase invoice
   More info Sage 50 Help on this Sheet
   Help article for Help on this Sheet


Expenses iPhone/Android or Web via ExpenseIn

Sheet:'Import Expenses'
Import expenses into Sage 50 via IPhone, Android etc. with authorisation
   Help article for Expenses iPhone/Android or Web via ExpenseIn


Remote Purchase Order

Purchase Order PAD for remote loactions to fill in, e-mail and import.
   Help article for Remote Purchase Order


Purchase Order

Posting a Purchase Order
   Help article for Purchase Order


Purchase Order with Authorisation

Sheet:'PO Auth'
Posting a Purchase Order with authorisation


Purchase Invoice with Project

Posting a Purchase Invoice (Project in header)
   Help article for Purchase Invoice with Project


Purchase Invoice Multiples + Job Costing

Sheet:'PI Multi'
Posting a Purchase Invoice
   Help article for Purchase Invoice Multiples + Job Costing


Purchase Invoice AND adjust stock IN

Posting a Purchase Invoice, and then Adjust stock in all in one operation


File Import CSV:Multiple Transactions

Sheet:'Multiple Trans'
Shows how you can import Multiple Transactions in one sheet like a convesional CSV importer
   Blog Sage 50 Importing from file easily
   Help article for Importing from file easily


File Import CSV:Multiple Transactions from multiple files

Sheet:'Multiple Trans multi file'
Shows how you can import Multiple Transactions in one sheet like a convesional CSV importer
   Blog Sage 50 Importing from multiple files easily


Multiple Transactions Called from VBA Button

Sheet:'Multiple Trans'
Shows how you can import Multiple Transactions in one sheet like a convesional CSV importer
   Blog Sage 50 Importing from file easily


Import File:Customer and Multiple Orders from CSV

Sheet:'Order CSV'
Contains two sheets. The first imports three customers, and then an order for each customer. Demonstrates how to import files easily and importing multiple transactions in one sheet


Import File:Multiple Orders from CSV with Currency Pro

Sheet:'Order CSV with Currency Pro'
Contains two sheets. The first imports three customers, and then an order for each customer in currencies. Demonstrates how to import files easily and importing multiple transactions in one sheet


Import File:Simple Multiple Orders from CSV

Sheet:'Simple Orders from CSV'
Contains two sheets. The first imports three customers, and then an order for each customer in currencies. Demonstrates how to import files easily and importing multiple transactions in one sheet


Import File:Direct Debit payments SI+SR with Currency

Sheet:'Direct Debit SI Paymen Currency'
This imports Invoices SI with matching Recipts to Audit Trial with Currency


SA with or without currency

This imports Invoices SA transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial


SR with or without currency

This imports Invoices SR transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial


SC Sales Credit with or without currency

This imports Invoices SC transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial


Import File:Direct Debit payments SI+SR

Sheet:'Direct Debit SI with Payment'
This imports Invoices SI with matching Recipts to Audit Trial


PR with or without currency

This imports Invoices PR transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial


Import File:Orders from CSV with Payment, Rounding and Extra Lines

Sheet:'Order and payment CSV'
This imports orders, and overcomes rounding issues with external system. It also shows how to add addition lines in each row.


Cashbook Multi Company and Type

Sheet:'Cashbook Multi Company and Type'
This imports Invoices Cashbook Multi Company and Type


Import Multiple Invoices\Orders and e-mail/Print

Sheet:'Simple Orders email and Print'
Demos importing SI, Credits, Discount and Sales Orders. But after import e-mails the transaction or prints it


Import Multiple Invoices\Orders NO Print or Price Lookup

Sheet:'Simple Orders No lookups'
Demos importing SI, Credits, Discount and Sales Orders. But after import e-mails the transaction or prints it


Posting to Multiple Companies Multi Types Pro

Sheet:'Multi in one sheet'
Inter-company transactions by posting to multiple companies
   Blog Sage 50 Posting to multiple Companies


PA with or without currency

This imports Invoices PA transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial

Transaction - Sales/Purchase Design:


Apply discount to whole transaction

How to apply discount to the whole Sagel Line 50 transaction
   Blog Sage 50 Apply discount to whole transaction


Posting Order in Currency Pro

How to post to different Currencies
   Blog Sage 50 Posting Order in Currency


Shows Customer Price List on header

Adding a tag to header to show the name of the customer price list after selecting the account


Message at Top and Bottom of transaction

Adding a message at top and Bottom of transaction by specifying the header of Sage Line 50 Transaction
   Blog Sage 50 Creating text message top/bottom of transacton


Carriage Charge on Order

How to specify Carriage Charge on an Order
   Blog Sage 50 Specifying Carriage on an Order


Validating Transaction before posting

Stop PostTrans importing a transaction by using a formula to show message
   Blog Sage 50 Validating before posting


Copy formula down sheet

Copy formula down sheet, after pressing [Clear] button, and when populating transaction using the [Extract] button
   Blog Sage 50 Clear transaction copy formula


Transaction - Inter Company in 2 sheets using SO/PO Pro

Post a Sales Order into one company and a matching Purchase Order in a second company


Transaction - Inter Company Nominal in 1 sheet Pro



Transaction - Inter Company in 1 sheet Pro

Sheet:'All In One'


Transaction - Inter Company in 2 sheets using SI/PIA Pro

Post a Sales Invoice into one company and a matching PIA (Purchase Invoice and Stock Adjust IN) in a second company


Manual VAT

Sheet:'Manual VAT'
Manual VAT on a order
   Blog Sage 50 VAT on Transactions


Nominal Codes

Sheet:'Nominal Codes'
Add/update Nominal Codes


Bank Accounts

Sheet:'Bank Accounts'
Add/update Bank Accounts



BP Cashbook Bank Payment with or without currency

Sheet:'BP Bank Payment'
This imports Invoices BP transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial


BR Cashbook Bank Receipt with or without currency

Sheet:'BR Bank Receipt'
This imports Invoices BR transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial


VP Cashbook Visa Credit Payment with or without currency

Sheet:'VP Visa Payment'
This imports Invoices VP transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial


VR Cashbook Visa Credit Receipts with or without currency

Sheet:'VR Visa Credit'
This imports Invoices VR transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial


CP Cashbook Cash Payment with or without currency

Sheet:'CP Cash Payment'
This imports Invoices CP transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial


CR Cashbook Cash Receipt with or without currency

Sheet:'CR Cash Receipt'
This imports Invoices CR transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial

Transaction - Product Adjustment:


Product Adjustment

Sheet:'Product ADJ'
Product Adjustment sheet
   More info Sage 50 Product Adjustment
   Help article for Product Adjustment


Product Adjustment Goods OUT Simple (Code + Qty)

Sheet:'Product ADJ GO'
Product Adjustment sheet with referance to SO for Goods Out
   More info Sage 50 Product Adjustment


Product Adjustment Simple (Code + Qty)

Sheet:'Product ADJ Simple'
Product Adjustment sheet
   More info Sage 50 Product Adjustment

Transaction - Chaity:


Shows Customer Price List on header

Importing an SI to Charitable Fund




Edit Projects
   More info Sage 50 Project records Import
   Help article for Project records Import




Edit Assets
   More info Sage 50 Project records Import