The PostTrans XML API for Sage 50 provides an easy to understand XML interface for the Sage 50 API. It gives an XML interface to tried and tested PostTrans for Excel. It is a standalone program which imports customer and transaction data into Sage 50 automatically or at the press of a button. Each transaction is submitted in a single XML file to a designated folder, SFTP site, or to IMAPI e-mail account (in the body of an plain text e-mail or as multiple attachments).. The following shows the scenarios:
Transactions from Internal Bespoke Program
Simple XML files are submitted to import directory

Transactions from the Cloud
Simple files are submitted to an external SFTP Web Folder, or simple e-mail sent containing the XML.

Data Flow
= Sales with Payments
Data Flow - Pro Version Data Export
PostTrans XML API for Sage 50 Pro version can automatically export static and transactional data to the external directory or remote SFTP server. More about Sage 50 Data export
Demonstration Videos
We have many show and tell videos
Error Handling
If the transaction fails PostTrans or Sage 50 API validation, it is moved to a failed directory. Wrong Stock Code, etc. The XML files will have the reason it failed added to the top of the XML for easy user interaction. An e-mail is then sent to a designated user, listing the reasons it failed.
The XML file can then be corrected and moved back to the Sage 50 XML API import folder for submission again. More about errors handling
The software can also be configured to send an e-mail if the software is not running for 30 mins.
The software is sold on a subscription basis, which can be easily cancelded online. The program works out of the box with Sage demo data, but if used with a live company, it will ask for credit card details, or you can pay yearly on account. see Detailed Pricing
Help and Consultancy
Support via E-mail is free, but we charge per ½ hours for help with installation, configuration and consultancy if needed. 1-3 hours should get you up and running. Online videos and help may be all you need.