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Posting Contra Nominal Journal in Sage 200

PostTrans for Sage 200 allows you to easily create a contra nominal journal, to calculate the total Credits/Debits listed in your Sage Nominal Journal, and post the opposite side on the journal to the specified Sage Contra account.

 Example: Press Help, on the PostTrans toolbar, then select example “Nominal - Contra” which is the example discussed below.  You should also have read the "Importing Transactional Data" on the Training page for a basic understanding of PostTrans basics.

Simply open a blank Excel spreadsheet and press Import button.  PostTrans will then offer you all of the import tags to create a new PostTrans template.  Double click on the PostTrans tag Sage200TransNom.  A new Journal template will be created:


To specify the Contra Nominal and Description select cell D6, then Double click on Tag THContNom, in the PostTrans Tags side bar.  This will define the Nominal Contra Nominal code, which can include the Cost Centre and Department.

Addition tags allow you to specify the Cost Centre and Departments, using THContraCC and THContraDept.  see How Nominal, Cost Centre and Departments are handled in Sage 200 from more information

Now move back to cell B7, and press space and then tab to select the contra nominal code, and then enter description in B8.

This gives us:


Now when we press the import button, PostTrans will show the Sage 50 Nominal Journal summary:


Pressing Post Transaction button will post the transaction.

Demonstration Video of Sage 200

The following video demonstrates the principle in Sage 200

   Sage 200 Importing Nominal Journal from Excel
  0:00 Video Introduction
  0:50 Posting a Contra Nominal Journal
  5:00 Showing the Journal in Sage 200
  4:30 Cost Centre and Department in separate columns
  4:55 Posting a Contra Nominal Journal with VAT


To use the template, with Sage 200, install PostTrans. Download
Trial with Sage demo company. Purchase a month subscription for Live Sage Company. Price
Watch the On-line Training course on how to use and customise the templates.

Tags of interest

The following PostTrans tags allow the above functionality:

Tag Name

Data Type




Post the opposite side of the nominal value to this nominal code. For Header use only.




Cost Centre and Departments for Contra line



Description for Nominal Contra line

With data type Yes/No fields, if cell starts with 'y' or 'Y' is taken as TRUE

Where ^ denotes a lookup field (Popup search), delete ^ at end of tag, to turn off lookup search

Categories: Transaction Data | Tags: | Return

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