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Saving template after posting

After posting a transaction, or series of transactions using PostTrans, you may want the template to be saved with the posted data in it.

Example: Press Help, on the PostTrans toolbar, then select example “Auto saving template after posting” which is the example discussed below.   You should also have read the "Importing Transactional Data" on the Training page for a basic understanding of PostTrans basics.

PostTrans has a very flexible method of doing this, which also handles revision numbers.

This requires the Pro version of PostTrans

Example – Saving sheet

To specify the directory to save, and filename, select cell D6, then double click on Tag THAftSavePATH, in the PostTrans Tags side bar.  This will define the Path where the file will be saved.  Enter a directory, which would probably be shared on your network,  for example ”D:\Test”

Next we add THAftSaveSubDir, and THAftSaveFilename in cells D7 and D8.


Now after posting this transaction, having pressed import button, PostTrans will save this transaction to:

Save to: D:\test\201502\Test_0001.xls

PostTrans will create any directories required automatically.

If tag THAftSaveSubDir has no value then PostTrans will place all file into a fold for each month.  The “_0001” is added automatically, and if PostTrans save the transaction again it will increment the revision count to give:

Save to: D:\test\201502\Test_0002.xls

This example is saved as .xls.  If the originating sheet is a .xlsx, it will save as a .xlsx.   Templates will be saved as .xlsx or .xls.  More about templates

But you can use a formula to save in a folder for each Account code, by extracting the code from the selected account using:

Cell C7: ="D:\test\" &LEFT(C4,(FIND(",",C4,1)-1))

where LEFT(C4,(FIND(",",C4,1)-1)) extracts the account code from the C4 (account code)



Save to: D:\test\ABS001\201502\Test_0001.xls

We could use a formula to save to a folder based on Project code if we are using Project Costing.

Tags of interest

The following PostTrans tags allow the above functionality:

Tag Name

Data Type




If THAftSavePATH and THAftSaveFilename specified, will save as PATH + ‘\YYYMM\’ + Filename + "_0000.xls". YYYMM can be overridden with value in THSaveSubDirectory cell.






See THAftSavePATH. Example ‘ABAP01’ will save as ABAP01_0001.xls.

With data type Yes/No fields, if cell starts with 'y' or 'Y' is taken as TRUE

Where ^ denotes a lookup field (Popup search), delete ^ at end of tag, to turn off lookup search

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