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Sage 200 Stock Locations/Bins

On Stock Record Creation

Requires PRO version of PostTrans

PostTrans will create a Stock item given the new Stock code, Description and Stock Group.  But in order to be active, Sage 200 needs to create a location to store the stock.  This can be set in system Setup under the “Stock” tab.   Further Location related data can be accessed by using tags.  Tags StCreateLoc,StCreateBin, StCreateMin, StCreateMax, StCreateReorder optionally allow the further location details to be defined at the point of stock record creation.

Stock Locations can also be Extracted, Amended and Imported using a dedicated Stock Location import

Location Creation Tags:




Create a location for Stock Item


Bin Name, “Unspecified” if not mapped or blank


Min Level


Max Level


Re-order level


Edit Locations

Tags StLoc1Min-StLoc10Min can be specified, to extract/amend or import location records. When first extracted the user is asked to define the locations for each column, defined using tag StLoc1Min-StLoc10Min tag specified in the PostTrans template.

The tag returns a value if the Location record exists for the Stock item, location combination. A location record, can be created, for the stock item, by simply entering a Min stock value, such as zero or greater.

Location Tags:




Min Level, Used to designate the Location if has value


Max Level


Reorder level


In Stock figure for location (Read only)


Used to store the Bin record ID's, explained below.

REQUIRED if mapping Bins

This can be hidden or placed out of the way


Bin Locations

Having specified the Tags StLoc1Min-StLoc10Min explained above, additional tags to extract/amend up to 10 bins in one warehouse are available.

For location 1, tags Loc1Bin1-10 allows extract/amend of the 10 Bin names is the location. Plus tag Loc1Bin1Pri- Loc1Bin10Pri allows the priority to be edited.

Tag StLoc1BinID must be specified to store the Bin record ID's, to allow PostTrans to edit the Bin Names.

Pro version is needed to access Bins 2-10.

Warning: Care must be taken. PostTrans writes the BIN ID's to the column designated with the tag StLoc1BinID- StLoc110BinID. These ID's identify records in the BIN columns 1-10 and should NOT be edited or deleted.

Therefore it safe to:

Add a bin to the list by entering its name in the next available Loc1Bin1-10 column.

Rename a Bin by changing its name in Loc1Bin1-10 column.

Alter Bin Priority by changing the code under the Loc1Bin1Pri- Loc1Bin10Pri tag.

Other Additional Tags of interest:




Bin Name

Loc1Bin1Pri- Loc1Bin10Pri

Bin Priority


In Stock figure for Bin (Read only)

Categories: Sage Line 200, Static Data | Tags: | Return

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